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  • Клуб "Вътрешен и външен баланс" | НЧ "Бялата лястовица - 2018"

    Club "Internal and external balance" Club "internal and external balance" - for adults, including yoga, breathing techniques and processes for personal development. Organizing courses of the Art of Living Foundation

  • 9 | НЧ"Бялата лястовица"

    Motivational meeting with children from Dulovo On October 28 in the hall of Dulovo Municipality was held a meeting with students from different schools in the city. Our partners from the "White Swallow - 2018" Community Center also took part in the event. We presented to the curious young people good practices from implemented projects of NGO "Durostorum-Drustar-Silistra", related to changing the urban environment, as well as other activities under the long-term program _Place Bulgaria of Association BG Be active . An interesting discussion took place with the future placemakers, who will continue to spread the messages for a friendlier urban environment and to (re) create their own corners in Dulovo.

  • 6 | НЧ"Бялата лястовица"

    "Partnership for a beautiful and clean Bulgaria" The members of the Community "White Swallow - 2018" with great enthusiasm made benches and a table for the place, which is yet to be ennobled and built as a place to relax among trees and friends. With the assistance of Dr. Yuksel Ahmed - Mayor of Dulovo Municipality, lighting fixtures were placed around the area, next to the church. How we will preserve and how we will beautify the garden depends only on us! The initiative is part of the project "Partnership for a beautiful and clean Bulgaria" of the Association BG Be active and is implemented with the support of the Coca Cola Foundation

  • НЧ "Бялата лястовица - 2018" | Бялата лястовица | Dulovo

    Последни събития от НЧ "Бялата лястовица - 2018" No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Натисни снимката, за да прочетеш още...* За Читалището : НЧ „Бялата лястовица – 2018“ е вписано в Търговския регистър на 23 март 2018 г., а в Регистъра на читалищата на 15 май 2018 г. Патронният празник на Читалището е на 1 ноември. За краткия период на своето съществуване НЧ „Бялата лястовица – 2018“, със своите разнообразни мероприятия и дейности, се утвърди като културна институция и се наложи като фактор в живота на града. Читалището има широката обществена подкрепа, която придава смисъл на всяка реализирана идея. 087 851 4727 Dulovo "Dr. Nikolai Rusev" 2

  • 11 | НЧ"Бялата лястовица"

    II national children's Christmas card competition The White Swallow - 2018 Community Center in the town of Dulovo announces the II National Children's Christmas Card Competition. The received cards from 06.12.2019 to 17.12.2019 will be displayed in the lobby of Dulovo municipality, after which all cards will be sent to various social homes in Silistra district. More than 850 children take part in the competition, 85 schools from 60 settlements.

  • 2 | НЧ"Бялата лястовица"

    Welcoming Baba Marta On March 1, 2019, the White Swallow Community Center - 2018, together with Kaolin EAD and with the assistance of the Municipality of Dulovo and personally of the mayor - Dr. Yuksel Ahmed, we met Baba Marta, who tied martenitsas for the young children from the city and with The children recited poems, sang songs, danced and had fun, and finally tied martenitsas to the newly planted Marten tree, which marked the beginning of the tradition in our town to welcome Baba Marta by hanging a dogwood tree.

  • 7 | НЧ"Бялата лястовица"

    Participation in the Folklore Festival "My Favorite Horse" On June 1, 2019, the folk dance group "Pendari" at the Community Center "White Swallow - 2018" took part in the folklore festival "My favorite horce" in the city of Pleven. The dance group led by Mariana Marinova performed brilliantly.

  • Уроци по китара | НЧ "Бялата лястовица - 2018"

    Latin dance club Latin dance club for adults at the "White Swallow - 2018" Community Center with leader Yordanka Dimitrova

  • Уроци по китара | НЧ "Бялата лястовица - 2018"

    Latin dance club Latin dance club for adults at the "White Swallow - 2018" Community Center with leader Yordanka Dimitrova

© Community Center "White Swallow - 2018"

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Made by: @ svetlozar.dragnev

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